Friday, September 6, 2024

Luke 22:1 - 13

 Luke 22:1 - 13 

None of us are as far from the enemy as we would like to believe. Judas had a besetting sin, if you wish to use that term.  Luke doesn't go into details about the circumstances of Judas's decision to betray Jesus. But there was a sin and then came the opportunity.  All the disciples struggled with one thing or another. All the disciples had the opportunity to go wrong. But Judas was different. Luke uses the phrase “Satan entered into Judas”. That step into a deeper level of evil requires a partnership.  Satan had a stronger level of influence with Judas. This is an important warning for us for every follower. 

At some point and for some motivation, of which we can only speculate, Judas made a choice, which allowed Satan to enter. We tend to think of Satanic influence in a Hollywood motif. A monstrous possession accompanied by visible, audible, and/or physical terrors. Satan typically doesn’t overplay his hand like that. Judas may not have realized it was Satan to whom he was opening himself up. It may have only been one sliver, one part of his heart that was given over to evil. It may have been nothing but a momentary fantasy of making a point, or an imagination of some sweet revenge that was the first crack of the door to his heart.

There are two points we do need to remember and consider every day. First Satan did not come to Judas against his will. If God will not violate our will then it is reasonable to assume that He will not allow our, and His, enemy to violate our will. The door to the heart has no outside handle; it can only be opened from within. Second, whenever we willingly enter into any evil we are opening the door of our heart to the power of darkness. God may protect us and not allow evil to enter. But if we persist in flirting with evil, if we open the door over and over we must not assume and presume upon God's protection. We must not tempt God. Open the door long enough, often enough, wide enough, and consistently enough and evil will enter. We must never stop praying those two lines of the model prayer; “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”  

“Lord, don’t let me go into the place of temptation. AMEN”

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