Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Matthew 23:1-12

Matthew 23:1-12

This and the next several passages from Matthew 23 demonstrate the importance of context. Less than 24 hours prior Jesus purifies the temple and challenges of religious status quo authority. The day has been a battle of words with Jesus besting all comers. With His opposition forced into accepting His authority they opt instead for stubborn silence. Jesus now exposes and denounces their utter failure as moral and religious leaders.

Jesus directs His comment to the people, but well within the hearing of the religious elite. We might find it tempting to watch this volley and cheer. But we would be wise to see if the Lord’s condemnation doesn’t speak about our own hearts and lives. The general theme is that the conduct of the religious didn’t match with their professed loyalty to God. Does that sound like or apply to me?

It would appear that the opening words of Jesus’ comments were dripping with sarcasm. Moses’s seat was a figurative expression for authoritative teaching on the Law. But their expertise was limited to telling people about the rules. They failed to keep them and were not able to offer any help to others on how to live. For the religious elite helping people was and is less important than being seen as religious or righteous. They went to great lengths to climb the ladder of looking pious. For them image was everything and they deeply desired the titles that came with the good image. Every disciple of Christ needs to take seriously the prohibitions of our Lord and these verses. In general, we can use two principles. First, don’t be a pious, reputation seeking, ladder climber and second, don’t pander to those who do. Nothing indicates a person is less pastoral than his insistence on being called Pastor. Nothing shows that a person is less reverent than insisting that he be called the Reverend. That is true for any title. Jesus does assert, in a quiet way, His authority. First by saying that only Christ is THE leader and second by recalling the maxim of greatness, “To serve with humility is the path to exaltation.”

"God convict me as I try to climb any religious ladder or hierarchy, and help me, Lord, to have the strength to refuse to be a lackey for anyone who is trying to climb a pious ladder. AMEN"

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