Monday, June 5, 2017

Help me do a little personal research by taking a survey.

Rather than my typical comments about church and culture I am going to ask you to take about 6 minutes to tell me what you think. 

Very simply, I need your help to learn how to help churches.  

Having spent 25 years as a pulpit minister I now find that I am a bi-vocational minister.  My other job is as a church consultant.  I work with two companies that serve the church market.  In one we help churches develop their stewardship ministry, including capital campaigns for major projects, debt repayment, or ministry expansion.  The other company provides creative building solutions for churches.  Both companies offer outstanding resources for churches.  

Here is the rub.  Ministers are notorious for being difficult to reach.  Having been a minister I understand about being over extended so that certain things fall below the threshold of attention.  Being the church's senior minister and the unofficial gate keeper for boards, and committees the minister's default answer is often 'No".  

The point of this survey is: Help me understand how I can help you.  What we offer can be a great help for some congregations.  My goal is to find those churches we can help and present our offerings while not wasting the time of ministers, their staff or myself.  So, if you will take this short survey it will help me greatly.  DO NOT worry. Your participation in this survey will not result in you getting a sales call unless you want one.  The survey is completely anonymous.

I will ask that only those who are in the ministry take this survey.

Use this link to access the survey.

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