Monday, October 16, 2017

An intercepted letter to Jesus:

“Sometimes, Lord, the energy and excitement of getting into your word during morning devotions is so great I feel like I could study the Bible all day long.  Then there are days like today.  The Scriptures seem like little more than an interesting story, and maybe not even that.

Perhaps, Jesus, it was the passage or being out of my routine.  Maybe it was just the fatigue and sleepiness of a long day yesterday catching me this morning.  Perhaps, it is the darkness of my own soul or the sinister plot from the evil one.  Maybe, Lord, you have allowed this into my life, and from You and this circumstance You will teach me.

More important than the moment is what comes from the moment.  Lord, help me to look for You more closely, hear You more clearly, depend on you more completely, and love You more deeply because of moments like these. 

The new day is beginning.  I can be busy with many things today.  What I want is to be where you want me to be, doing what you have prepared for me to do.  Lord, grant me opportunities to serve you today and give me the wisdom to see them and to know that they have come from You.

God, there is no question of your goodness and holiness.  The problem is entirely mine, so use it, Lord, to Your good purpose.  Have mercy on me, Lord, and help me.

In the Name of my only Hope,

Name withheld and used with permission.

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