Saturday, February 10, 2024

Matthew 14:1-21

Matthew 14:1-21

Two events occur in this text: the death of John and the feeding of the 5,000. We need not assume that their connection is random. John was the last Old Testament prophet. His ministry marked the end of the old and the transition to the new. On the report of his death, Jesus goes out to the lonely place and feeds the multitude. This feeding was more than food for the hungry. Missing a meal would not be life threatening. The "sitting down" is reflective of a formal meal and Jesus is acting as a host. At that time Jewish people expected that the Messiah would create a Manna type of event. In all the records of the feeding of the multitude (feeding of the 5,000 in all four gospels and the feeding of the 4,000 recorded in two Gospels), and the meal at Emmaus, and all the accounts of the Lord's Supper four keywords or themes are used. Jesus took the bread, blessed the bread, broke the bread and gave the bread. The feeding of the 5,000 is more than a practical miracle-it is a sign of the coming Kingdom and it is a pivotal point in the gospel.

After the imprisonment of John the Baptist, Herod Antipas was of such a corrupt character that driven by lust for his stepdaughter he orders John's murder. Herod plots to keep in the good graces of the Jews regarding John, but fails miserably. First, John was never actually tried; he was simply held and then murdered. Second, John was put to death by beheading. Beheading was reserved for Roman citizens and this would have been an insult to the Jews. This did not happen quickly. In verse 4, we read, "... John had been saying..." which indicates an ongoing proclamation. This was no single sermon. John’s popularity with the people along with Herod's lack of the same made Herod vulnerable as a ruler. John's popularity made him a threat, but it also serve to protect him. Faced with a real danger Herod has two options, either repent or turn into a deeper darkness. In his cowardice he chose the course that would lead him into deeper darkness. Every choice we make is a step toward the light or toward the darkness.

"Lord, help me today that in every step I take, building on past steps, I will move closer to You, so that i will be able in the future to move closer to You. AMEN"

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