Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Matthew 18:15-35

Matthew 18:15-35

Jesus speaks about the rescue of the lost sheep. Immediately, He talks about addressing the wayward brother, these two are more closely related than we have let on. The picture of going out and finding the lost sheep in vs. 12-14 is given practical application in vs. 15-20. This passage is not strictly about church discipline or personal offense, though these would apply. These verses are about pastoral care. The objective is repentance, restoration, and righteous life. The teaching about answered prayer and the Lord’s promise must be taken in this context. Jesus teaches about restoration and will in a moment teach about forgiveness. In the middle of this, He is not likely to randomly interject a teaching that we can get what we want by praying for it with someone else in agreement. This teaching on prayer is about restoring relationship.

The context of this passage is about a wayward disciple and the church and the conflict between two brothers. Vindictiveness must never be our motivation. Forgiveness is un-calculating. The point is not 77 or 70 times 7, but forgiveness that will lose count and not try to keep track. This is a contrast to Lamech (Genesis 4:23-24) who promised revenge for wrongs suffered. The parable of verses 23-34 is comforting; the application in verse 35 is distressing.

The first debtor owed the value of twelve million ounces of silver. That level of debt reflects governmental embezzlement. This man’s debt reflects that he was a traitor to his king. The second debt was essentially 1/600,000 of the first. In verse 34, the king hands over to the “jailer” the first debtor. The term jailer is the wrong word. It is better translated “torturers”. He is to be tortured till he reveals where the money has gone and can produce it. Misery is the lot of this man. Verse 35 tells me that God will hand me over to be tortured unless I forgive. Scripture is not specific what those tortures are. But does that really matter?

"Lord, help me to forgive others in the same way You have forgiven me. Help me to consider Your grace to me and apply it to anyone who has done evil to me. AMEN

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